Developing A

Design program 

Gauging our Five Sense to all fit in
(Awareness of People to Spaces

 "John is a Living Energy Designer and has a unique way of helping people to create an environment to promote health and happiness"  Quote" TV Episode <<YouTube>>
ZenArchitects v/s traditional office practices

The difference of our service happens all in the client interview process. We engage with clients to what truly influences the design decision of producing a highly resilient integrated solution. We optimally find a way to gauge ones natural adopted states into living space by offering a method to identify a solution in the onset. The results produces a personal design that fully reinforces, interconnected and integrates all into an simple architectural solution.
Having people feel motivated and uplifted in their environments happens in the creation of designed. We promote a vital experience inside built environments for clients to have new excitement in living harmony. By taking building sustainability to match with human sustainability will embrace health, well-being and a natural energy. A process that allows one to arrive with the authentic hunger to want to reside in that environment. The architectural interview process takes you on a journey of taking design subjectivity into an objective forefront. After the interview process, the results to this whole new world of architectural language will make the most sense whats created around you.THIS NEW DISCOVERY:
Our firm has been published for these new breakthroughs using these advance tools. Utilizing an non-clinical technique, we founded the phrase "Synergizing Humans with Environments into a "Life-Energy Design". This process of Nero- sync design successfully fuses energy expressions with human experience that offers harmonious relation within living spaces.

In science: "Biophilla" term bridges biology, neurosciences, immunology, behavioral ecology and environmental psychology all as one innate human health response.THE GENERAL PROCESS:
By synchronizing our five senses with the environment, our design strategy identifies a rich connection to our clients living experience. Utilizing this interactive technique eliminates ambiguity and guess work, and instead gives the architect total guidance to profoundly ascertain all client's design needs.  We redefined the inner human blueprint by unveiling the DNA code more than any other traditional design program interview exchange process. Surprisingly, this fresh take allows one to transparently converse truly with there environment while expansively gathering clearer design requirements. Knowing there's already a treasure house with info waiting to draw from with whats conversing around you allows all to easily emerge before your own eyes. This honoring system truly collects design data and solves the design problem most effortlessly.METHOD USED TO GATHER INFO:
To achieve revealing these results is simple: Knowing whats embedded from the bio-energetic self, we begin by synchronizing the 5 senses transparently. Synergizing humans with their environments awakens this awareness; a process known as "Applied Kinesiology" (Syncro-Kinesthetic design method). This process ascertains your energy sensory map as a quick and easy procedure of allowing the body to "speak" its natural intelligence of its surroundings, and without medical instruments or necessarily a lot of exchange to words. The cognitive mapping of our inner body stores information. Because all sensory stimuli visual, tactile, auditory and chemicals are measured differently by every human, means that any single stimulus will impact each person in a unique way. Within the mechanisms of our body between muscular and nervous systems the body provides immediate feedback reflecting this design information. By examining this feedback, through simple procedures, we can now identify compatibilities and incompatibilities from a list of design program options. In this way the respondents themselves actually always give their own individual insights in determining the best choices for design in regard to materials, styles, and specific products. The results of this real-time empirical processing allow one to have the most surprisingly effective design, promoting vitality in the home or motivational work place. Visual example demonstrated at <<youtube>>
DEFINING BEAUTY TO FULFILL AESTHETIC DESIRE: We all see differently and get motivated by different things. By conversing with energy in design allows the human sensory newly define beauty. Design is personal yet, the interrelationship of the inner
physiological with outer relation to environment becomes very real.
In ZenArchitect the application of Energy Kinesiology reveals information closer to our
essential nature of beauty, and perpetuates the masculine "yang" and the feminine "yin" balance of energy. ZenArchitect is an intuitive design science that artfully splashes geometric shapes, colors and textures before one's eyes. Working intimately in this way with clients orchestrates a
palatable hierarchy of information, from which one can ascertain the most effective design for aesthetic pallet of appeal. These interactive
testing methods become the most honest tools to form intuitive Feng Shui, streaming the placement of art, space, and architecture, bringing all
elements together organically in an energy flow with the environment. For having this in-depth aesthetic insight units the client with all design elements in concert, see <<Aesthetic Model Applied>>VITALIZATION - The Goal of Design: are simply tranquil engineers as Feng Shui on steroids. Vitalization is the key process of restoring and building the positive energies of one's physical, physiological, emotional and natural self so one can have the ultimate pure experience. This is an essential element in design in one's living and working spaces. The holistic design model we offer integrates a comprehension that promotes the energy level of humans to environment. The results stimulates, energizes, and fulfills the individual, yet grounds him/her in tranquil peace simultaneously to there living space.

From the very beginning of each project, be it a remodel, a dream home, or a commercial setting, our service unites clients and designer into a unified force, tapping their truest energy flow to influence where we meet in design. can blend a balance of Modern Contemporary Minimalism with Ancient Aesthetic principles. Combining indoors to outdoors, the simple becomes the ultimate sophistication to design to fuse moods and expressions spatially and evolve into 3D experience. See also <<Feng Shui Model>>
As an Educator/Master/Awarded Book Author in Asian arts of bioenergetic, the devotion to bridge holistic to architecture keeps the experience alive into soul sensory touch to design for my clients. My instinctive nature is the trademark as I am committed to the excellence to design and the building process. As a Licensed Architect and Chi Master, I warmly invite you to join with me in a balanced relationship, bridging the ancient eastern aesthetic with Modern Western accents of technology into the flow of human living experience. We welcome the opportunity to review your program needs.

Let us draft you a written proposal for scope of work by reaching us directly by cell/email